Sunday, September 11, 2011

Hanging Jewelry Organizer

I made this little hanging jewelry organizer months ago and filmed the tutorial for it but after I got done editing it was over 30 minutes long.  Waaaay too long.  So I decided I would eventually chop it up and just re-record the narration.  I finally got around to it because my hard-drive was getting full and the video files for this tutorial was taking up a ton of space so I forced myself to finish it this weekend. 

I've been using the organizer since way back then and I really like it.  I changed the little tin hanging from it because I kept bumping into it.  So now I have a smaller one that doesn't stick out as far to hold some bracelets and rings and stuff like that.  Anyway, it's similar to the ones I made for Christmas presents but after I made those I found all these other cool jewelry organizer ideas and just decided to do a jewelry organizer smash-up.  This is the end result.  I did mine with some canvas stretcher bars that I found in the painting section at the craft store.  But I think the next one I make will be with a pretty picture frame and it would take a lot less time too.  If you make one with a pretty frame you can skip to about 11:25 in the video.  Enjoy.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Vintage and Antique Haul

I went to the Montgomery Street Antique Mall in Fort Worth and spent a little cash.  Also got some goodies from Ebay and Etsy.  I have a few projects in mind to use some of the things I got so I'll do pictures or videos of those when I get around to it.  Anyway, enjoy. :)